
More About Tom Rakow
Founder & Executive President
Christian Deer Hunters Association ®
Phone: 320-583-3236
As a full-time pastor Dr. Rakow (also known as the bear tooth pastor) is available for a limited number of speaking engagements.
Cost: Travel expenses, lodging (if necessary), and an honorarium from the church or sponsoring group(s). Arrangements can be made for sponsoring group(s) to sell books at a reduced rate for fundraising purposes.
January 8, 2006 Greenville, IL - First Christian Church
January 12, 2006 Fargo, ND - Bethel Evangelical Free Church
January 28, 2006 Grantsburg, WI (Community Event)
February 4, 2006 Lodi, OH - Victory Baptist Church
April 8, 2006 Dassel, MN - Evangelical Covenant Church
June 16-20, 2006 Nester Falls, Ontario - God’s Great Outdoors Media
September 15-16, 2006 MI - Wesleyan Church Father/Son Retreat
September 22-23, 2006 IA - Hunt for Handicapped Youth
November 2, 2006 Gaylord, MI - Gaylord Evangelical Free Church
November 16, 2006 Wisconsin Rapids, WI - First English Lutheran
November 25, 2006 Ithaca, WI - Willow Valley UMC Father & Child Event
January 5-6, 2007 NC - Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
February 2&3, 2007 Pottstown, PA - Berean Bible Church
March 1, 2007 Cedar Falls, IA - Prairie Lakes Church
March 23, 2007 Dodge Center, MN - Praise Fellowship Church
April 28-29, 2007 IA - Special Youth Challenge Turkey Hunt
June 20-22, 2007 Ontario, Canada - Rushing Wind Retreat Center
September 7, 2007 Macungie, PA - Salem Bible Church
September 29, 2007 Mason City, IA - Trail to Adventure Seminar
October 6, 2007 Bemidji, MN - Oak Hills Bible College
October 26, 2007 Mount Horeb, WI - New Hope Evangelical Free
November 15, 2007 Wisconsin Rapids, WI - First English Lutheran
December 1, 2007 Winthrop, MN - Winthrop Evangelical Covenant
January 4-5, 2008 NC Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
February 9, 2008 Roanoke, VA - East Gate Nazarene Church
February 23 & 24, 2008 Chambersburg, PA - Air Hill Brethren in Christ
March 1, 2008 Ogama, WI - Highway 13 Sportsmen's Wild Game Event (First Baptist of Phillips, Ogama Baptist, & Woodland Community)
March 8, 2008 Big Lake, MN - Multiple Church Event - (Riverside Church, Bridgeview Church, & Oakwood Church)
August 22-23, 2008 Fort Worth, TX - SW Baptist Theological Seminary
September 5, 2008 Oley, PA - New Life Bible Fellowship Church
September 19-21, 2008 Little Pine Island Camp, MI (Western Michigan & Northern Indiana Division Men's Camp)
February 21, 2009 Sioux Falls, SD - http://www.fcsplus.org/
March 20, 2009 (Friday), Silver Lake, MN - Trail to Adventure Conf.
April 18, 2009 Norwalk, IA - Fellowship Community Church
May 15-17, 2009 Finlayson, MN - Salvation Army Camp
August 14, 2009 Baxter, MN - Heritage Assembly of God
October 3, 2009 Roseau, MN - First Baptist Church
October 9, 2009 Ashby, MN - Christian Network Teams
January, 29 2010 Bismarck, ND - Evangel Assembly of God
February 5, 2010 New Richmond, WI - Cornerstone Assembly of God
February 6, 2010 Wausau, WI - St. John Lutheran Church
February 20, 2010 Watertown, MN - Watertown Evangelical Free
February 27, 2010 Milaca, MN - Milaca Evangelical Free Church
March 6, 2010 Hixton, WI - Contact Craig @ www.charcoalvalley.com
March 13, 2010 Apple Valley, MN - Mount Olivet Assembly of God
March 27, 2010 Fairmont, MN - Bethel Evangelical Free
September 10-11 Calvary Evangelical Free Church Rochester, MN
September 25 Menomonie Alliance Church Sportsman's Group
November 19 Resurrection Life Church - Eden Prairie, MN www.rezlife.org Tickets required.
January 22, 2011 Jesus Assembly of God - St. Peter, MN Winter Wild Game Feed
March 5, 2011 East Lake Community Church - Moneta, VA Outdoor Ministries Wild Game Dinner
March 26, 2011 Hillside Community Church and Living Hope Evangelical Free Church - Neillsville, WI Father and Son Wild Game Feed
March 31, 2011 First Reformed Church - Sheldon, IA Sportsmen's Banquet
September 24, 2011 Praise Fellowship of Church - Dodge Center, MN The Sportsman Outdoor Adventure
November 5, 2011 Dallas Area Christian Mens Group - First Annual Hunters Rendezvous Event
February 25-26, 2012 Air Hill Brethren In Christ - Chambersburg, PA
February 4, 2012 Wild Game Feed - First Baptist Church of Cambridge, MN (4-9pm)
February 21, 2012 Marksman Metals - (Private Business Presentation for Employees – with the dogs) St. Michael, MN
March 10, 2012 Wild Game Feed - Glendorado Evangelical Country Church - Foley, MN
March 23. 2012 Game Feed - Wadena, MN Wadena Evangelical Church
March 31, 2012 Outdoor Expo at the Maranatha E. Free Church in Rice Lake, WI. Proceeds to benefit Catch-A-Dream. Pointers 101 Seminar 1:00 pm
June 9, 2012 “You’re The Pick of The Litter” presentation Lac Qui Parle, MN
September 15, 2012 Deer Hunting Tips Seminar/Pointers 101 Seminar at Trout Lake Camp at Pine River, MN
September 22, 2012 Sportsmen's Dinner at Grindstone Lake Bible Camp in Sandstone, MN
December 7, 2012 Men's Game Feed at Fillmore Free Methodist Church in Wykoff, MN
February 23, 2013 Men’s Game Feed - Eagan, MN - Eagan Hills Church
March 23, 2013 Wild Game Feed - Ebenezer Mennonite Church - Bluffton, OH
April 6, 2013 Wild Game Feed - Blackduck Evangelical Free Church - Blackduck, MN
April 13, 2013 Trail To Adventure! Conference - Hope Community Church - West Salem, Wisconsin
April 9, 2013 12 Noon - “Outdoor Ministry” Kiwanis Club at the Hutchinson, MN VFW Building
April 27, 2013 12 Noon - Father/Son Banquet (Lost Arrow will also be present)
September 14, 2013 Seminars at Trout Lake Camp at Pine River, MN
October 26, 2013 Major Men's Fall Outdoor Event Moose Lake, MN
October 27, 2013 Blaze Orange Sunday - Tibbetts Brook Chapel - Milaca, MN
November 30, 2013 Parent/Child Banquet (Lost Arrow will be present) Willow Valley Church
January 3,4, and 5,2014 10th Annual Pastor’s Quail Hunt - Alva Wesleyan Church, Cedar Grove Wesleyan, and Hopeton Wesleyan Church
Saturday, February 22,2014 10:30 am - Men’s Game Brunch - Cushing Baptist Church Theme - Antique Weapons
March 8, 2014 Deer Fry - New Castle Bible Church - Mackinaw, IL
March 28, 2014 The Sportsman's Big Event - Praise Fellowship Church - Dodge Center, MN
April 4, 2014 Outdoorsman's Main Event Crossroads Church - Albert Lea, MN
April 5, 2014 Game Feed Chippewa Valley Bible Church - Chippewa Falls, WI
April 26, 2014 Trail to Adventure Conference Lenards Restaurant - International Falls, MN
January 30, 31, February 1, 2015 10th Annual Pastor’s Quail Hunt - Alva Wesleyan Church, Cedar Grove Wesleyan, and Hopeton Wesleyan Church
February 22, 2015 Glencoe, MN Business Expo — Booth with Lost Arrow and/or Blessing the English pointer
March 5, 2015 Gibson City Bible Church Wild Game Feed
March 7, 2015 Grace Fellowship Church of Pella, Iowa
March 21, 2015 Big Little Hunting & Fishing Expo McLeod County Fairgrounds, Hutchinson, MN
March 28, 2015 Glendorado Evangelical Country Church (Foley, MN)
April 24-25, 2015 Arrowhead Bible Camp Sportsman’s Archery Weekend
June 27, 2015 Fun N Faith in the Outdoors
August 16, 2015 Beulah Wesleyan Church 90th Anniversary
September 25-26, 2015 Special Youth Challenge Ministries - Iowa
January 20, 2016 First Baptist Church of Cokato - English pointer presentation - Cokato, MN
February 27, 2016 The Total Outdoorsmen - Pella, Iowa - presentation plus pointers
March 19, 2016 The Big Little Hunting & Fishing Expo - visit Lost Arrow at this event! McLeod County Fairgrounds - Hutchinson, MN
April 2-3, 2016 Sportsman's Dinner & Service - Milford Bible Church - Milford, PA
April 8, 2016 Men's Wild Game Feed - Hillside Church - Mankato, MN
April 16, 2016 Black Duck Evangelical Free Church Wild Game Feed - Black Duck, MN
April 29-30, 2016 Trail To Adventure Conference/Linder's Angling Edge Studio Tour - Pequot Lake, MN
February 1, 2017 First Baptist Church of Cokato - English pointer presentation (Lost Arrow, Blessing, and debut of Treasure) - AWANA (free event)
February 18, 2017 Men and Boys Breakfast - English pointer presentation (Lost Arrow and Blessing) - Grace Baptist Church, Chippewa Falls, WI
February 24, 2017 Men and Boys Wild Game Feed - English pointer presentation (Lost Arrow and Blessing) - Pequot Lakes Baptist Church, Pequot Lakes, MN
April 21-22, 2017 Sportsman's Archery Weekend - English pointer presentation (Blessing) - New Auburn, WI
April 13, 2019 Black Duck Evangelical Free Church Wild Game Feed - Black Duck, MN
June 15-20, 2019 Rushing Wind Retreat Center - God's Great Outdoors
More than four decades ago (at the ripe-old-age of eleven) Tom C. Rakow poached his first deer with a twenty-two caliber rifle. Unfortunately, this was just the beginning of some very bad hunting habits. Then in 1977, Tom came to know Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior while watching a Billy Graham Crusade on television (Testimony appeared in "Decision Magazine" in June 1995) . Not surprisingly, one of the first things that happened was that Tom’s hunting attitudes and activities began to be transformed. Although Rakow would be the first to admit that God still has a whole lot of work left to do in his life, he’s convinced that a return to biblical principles (which predate aluminum arrows, game wardens, black powder, and the Second Amendment) will serve as a helpful bridge between divergent views held by hunters and non-hunters alike.
Dr. Rakow has written for major publications and also authored “Copy Me!” Bible Quizzes, Hunting & the Bible: A Scripture Safari, Raccoon Hunting Basics And Beyond, Raccoon Hunting Questions (audio), Devotions for Dog Lovers, Hunting Arguments: Biblical Responses to a Loaded Issue, Devotions for Hunters & Anglers, and is a contributor and editor of Devotions for Bird Hunters.
He is a featured speaker on The Trail To Adventure DVD teaching series, and is included in True Stories of Pro Outdoorsmen both produced by God’s Great Outdoors (www.ggoutdoors.org). In addition, Tom is in demand as a speaker for wild game banquets and also hosts a weekly radio broadcast called “First Light.” In 1994, he founded the Christian Deer Hunters Association ( www.christiandeerhunters.org ), a national, non-profit, interdenominational, volunteer ministry to deer hunters. More recently he founded the Christian Anglers Association (www.christiananglers.net ). He is Co-owner of Rock Dove Publications (www.rockdove.com). His conversion experience aired in January, 2006 on the Unshackled Radio Program (The longest-running radio drama in history) and can be listened to online at (www.unshackled.org Program #A2875).
Dr. Rakow has studied the Bible in its original languages of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek and regularly researches hunting-related issues as they pertain to a biblical world view approach. He holds degrees from the University of Wisconsin, Moody Bible Institute (IL), Asbury Theological Seminary (KY), and Bethel Theological Seminary (MN). Rakow has been listed in the Dictionary of International Biography - 23rd Edition, and Who’s Who in Religion . Tom and his wife, Beth, and their four daughters (along with their four English pointers) reside in Minnesota where he has served as full-time pastor of Grace Bible Church ( http://silverlakechurch.org ) since 1989.
God’s Great Outdoors (National Radio Broadcast) - A guest numerous times.
Minnesota Public Radio - Dr. Rakow is probably the only person in the world to ever miss a deer with a bow and arrow on the radio! You can listen, and read about it by clicking on the Minnesota Public Radio url.
KKMS Radio Live with Jeff and Lee - Click on the url to listen to a live interview that took place back on Wednesday, November 1, 2006.
Christian Outdoorsmen of Humbolt County, California. I spoke at an event put on by this group back in 2005. Not only is this a beautiful part of the world, but it was an honor to be their speaker. You can see some of this outreach by going to the site, then clicking on "Gallery", then on "Video Gallery", and then on "2005 Wild Game Dinner".
First Light Radio Broadcast - Present host for the past 15 years. Currently airs on KARP 106.9 FM.
The Zone with Chip Howard.
Salt Block Radio Program - Co-hosted for approximately two years.
Worship With Polka Music Radio Program (Once a month program) - Present Host (since June 2005) on KDUZ 1260 AM.
Community Affairs Program - Regular guest for this program which airs on KDUZ 1260 AM.
SRN News (Salem Radio Network) - Over 1500 stations.
...and many more!
Although Dr. Rakow has been interviewed by a variety of papers over the years, here are a couple articles available online.