Raccoon Hunting Basics and Beyond
What kind of dog should I use? I started hunting coon when I was about twelve years old and hunted for more than half a century. Over the years, I have hunted them with a lot of different kinds of dogs. In fact, almost any dog that will tree squirrels will do. I've owned cow dogs that did the job, a terrier, and even a registered Springer Spaniel. Eventually I got into the hound class and settled on Blueticks. A coon dog must run in the late fall, in all kinds of territory, and often in and out of water. Most of my dogs were about eleven years of age when they were done.
How do I train a dog to run raccoon? Training a coon dog is sometimes quite time-consuming. Usually teaming a young dog with one already trained is the best way. Some may use a "lead coon" or lay a commercial scent trail. Another productive way of getting a dog started on chasing coon is getting your dog on a hot track. For example, one crosses the road or someone is having problems with raccoon on their property.
Where should I hunt? A raccoon's diet is quite diversified and includes such things as: acorns, field corn, frogs, and fish. Sweet corn is one food that they really like and seem to know just when it is ready. Hunt the areas where raccoon are known to be feeding.
When do I coon hunt? One thing about coon hunting is that it is done at night. A real advantage to this is that coon hunting normally doesn't interfere with your day work. Best of all, you are able to see the wonder of God's creation at night. There is a real feeling of solitude.
I liked all the dogs I hunted with, but I guess some of my favorites were Andy (who ended up three-legged after falling thirty-five feet out of a tree), Queenie (a female who raised several litters and trained them as well), and there was also George who took Andy's place. The family bought him for me when they decided I was too young to quit hunting. He was the last hound I hunted with.
Even though I haven't hunted raccoon for the past eight years, I can still hear the hounds running the trail like it was yesterday.
© 1997 Bob Rakow. All rights reserved.
Would You Like to Try a Recipe?
Check to be sure the glands on the legs are removed. Remove all the fat from the meat. Cut it into pieces and soak the meat in salt water overnight. To cook, cover with water, add two medium onions and 1/2 teaspoon ground oregano. Boil until almost tender enough to eat. Then remove to a roasting pan and cover with the following dressing:
1 1/2 lb loaf of bread
3/4 Cup chopped onion
2 teaspoons poultry seasoning
sage to taste
salt and pepper
Add the cooking broth (diluted half with water) to moisten the dressing. Bake at 350 degrees until dressing is cooked and meat is tender. This recipe is from a former neighbor of the Bob Rakow Family, Mrs. Tillman Larson.