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100 Copies of "The Prodigal Pooch"

100 Copies of "The Prodigal Pooch"


Spread the news of God's forgiveness with Rock Dove Publications' new tract! Relating a true story of Black Jack, a hound which ran away from home for six weeks, Dr. Tom C. Rakow tells of God's love and how the Lord desires that every prodigal return. Readers learn about the reward Black Jack received - and the gift of eternal life that their own Master and Maker wants to grant. On glossy paper. Use The Prodigal Pooch at dog shows and competitions. A great tract to pass on to the "dog lovers" in your life! This true story is not only available in tract form (it has proved to be very popular), but is also included in Devotions for Dog Lovers as well as Devotions for Hunters and Anglers.

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